There’s a saying that “if you know, you know.” But what if you don’t? What if you don’t know about Servo-Hydraulic presses and the many benefits they offer? If you haven’t had the chance to become familiar with what a servo-hydraulic press is or what it can do for you, we’re here to help. With so many uses, across a variety of industries, it’s time to put you “in the know” when it comes to the top 5 benefits of a servo-hydraulic press!
What’s a Servo-Hydraulic Press?
To know how a servo-hydraulic press works and what it is you should first know what a hydraulic press is. Macrodyne is a world leader in the design and manufacture of hydraulic presses, machines that are customized to meet the very specific needs of everything from the automotive industry, to aerospace, defense, construction and commercial applications. Metal forming, metal stamping, compression molding, forging and many more applications are all possible with a hydraulic press. The benefits are many and include enabling the user to create more intricate shapes, both economically and with efficiency in terms of minimizing waste and maximizing the use of materials. Using a Servo-Hydraulic press will revitalize your work processes and your workspaces saving you time and money. Here’s how:
What are the TOP 5 BENEFITS of a Servo-Hydraulic Press?
1. A Servo-Hydraulic Press Is Incredibly Accurate!
Our proprietary software offers state of the art, ultra-high precision and servo-controlled programmable motion. We take pride in being at the forefront of technological advancements in the industry and our hydraulic components include pressure compensated axial piston pumps with electronic pump control, extreme high-pressure piston pumps and servo-controlled valves. It all adds up to increased accuracy saving your business valuable time and helping to control costs.
2. A Servo-Hydraulic Press Will Automate Your Process. Automation = Speed.
Offering both energy efficiency and speed control, a servo-hydraulic press still consistently applies high-press force, allowing manufacturers to gain greater output while ensuring both the quality and consistency of the end result.
3. Servo-Hydraulic Presses Are Adaptable.
Conventional hydraulic presses can be purchased with Servo-Hydraulic state of the art control systems and/or they can be integrated with existing ancillary equipment, essentially allowing you to custom-design production equipment for your specific needs.
4. Precision Programmability. Production Efficiencies.
Being able to precisely dial in your settings helps to ensure fully customizable programming for each job you do and every type of material you use. This precision ensures consistency of the end product, from job start to job completion.
5. Servo Pump Motor Drives Come With Many Benefits!
A variable frequency drive eliminates or reduces reliance on throttling valves and increases capacity. Concurrently, it offers reduced energy consumption, less noise and less frequent maintenance. Less energy will also result in less generation of hot oil and therefore, also helps to reduce reliance on cooling components. Not only does this all make sense from an economic perspective but it also provides for a better working environment for your team members too.
Servo-Hydraulic Presses contribute significantly to improvements in acceleration and deceleration forces making them ideal for many uses, even those you might traditionally associate with a mechanical press. Because they are custom designed to meet your exacting requirements we know we can help automate your production to maximize capacity and efficiency. Get “in the know!” We know we can help your business and if you would like to know more about how, up to and including flexible mounting locations for increased accessibility and ease of maintenance, contact us today!