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Macrodyne Signs a License Agreement with AEM to commercialize Gas Oscillation Forming Technology for Superplastic Blow Forming of Aerospace components

TORONTO, Ontario, July 27, 2022 – Macrodyne Technologies Inc., North America’s largest hydraulic press manufacturer, has announced that a global licensing agreement has been signed with AEM Power Systems, an R&D, engineering design, and custom manufacturer of unique industrial heat transfer systems and gas oscillation forming systems for superplastic forming tools.

The agreement allows for the use and sale of AEM’s patented gas oscillation forming technology within the Aerospace sector worldwide. This groundbreaking and disruptive technology is the first real advancement being introduced to the Superplastic blow forming process in decades. The development of the gas oscillation forming process will allow manufacturers to Superplastic form metallic sheets (Aluminum, Titanium, and other aerospace alloys) into more geometrically complex shapes, with higher quality and at speeds, that were unachievable in the past. 

“AEM is an industry leader in SPF process just as Macrodyne is in SPF presses”, said Kevin Fernandes, president of Macrodyne Technologies, “This partnership shows our commitment to advancing our press technology by bringing innovative manufacturing solutions to the industry.”

“We are delighted to enter into this strategic alliance to commercialize our technology and offer Aerospace product development engineers the opportunity to significantly expand their product design envelopes and provide manufacturers with an ability to produce high-quality parts that are geometrically more complex, with greater elongation, improved wall thickness distribution, and reduced forming speed during the superplastic blow forming process,” said Eugene Ryzer, president for AEM.

Jeff Walsh, the Director of Business Development at Macrodyne, stated “The supersonic oscillation of the gas pressure during the forming process is the key to the process, this technological step-change has the potential to become the new standard for Superplastic forming, making conventional SPF obsolete.”

About Macrodyne Technologies Inc.

Macrodyne, with facilities in North America and Europe (Dunkes), designs and manufactures heavy-duty, high-quality hydraulic presses up to 30,000 tons, fully automated hydraulic press lines, and die handling equipment for dies and molds weighing more than 100 tons., it produces custom hydraulic presses & press lines for general metal forming applications, hot stamping, deep drawing, forging,  extrusion, coining, die spotting, hydroforming, elastoforming, superplastic forming, compression molding, laminating, rubber molding, and stretchforming. Its equipment is utilized in manufacturing operations around the world, in a broad range of industries including, aerospace, automotive, industrial & consumer products, defense, construction, and more. For further information about Macrodyne Technologies and the services they offer, visit www.macrodynepress.com, www.dunkes.com.

About AEM Power Systems Inc.

AEM Power Systems Inc. provides R&D services, Engineering Services, Consulting services, Industrial Heat Transfer Systems, and Gas Oscillation Forming Systems for the Automotive and Aerospace industry.  AEM is developing world-leading advanced manufacturing capability in the field of superplastic blow forming of metallic alloy sheets into highly complex geometrically shaped panels through the advancement of state-of-the-art innovative solutions involving Computational Fluid Dynamics, Finite Element Analysis, Engineering, Unique industrial heat transfer systems, and developing Gas Oscillation Forming Technology. For further information about AEM Power systems, visit www.aempowersystems.com/.

Custom Designed Presses

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80% of our presses are custom designed to meet the specific specification of each client.

Custom Designed Presses

Macrodyne has designed and built many other presses not shown on the website.

80% of our presses are custom designed to meet the specific specification of each client.